What to Study
The Term 4 Final Exam consists of 50 questions. There are 7 questions that will be available as extra credit so you're grade will be based on 43 total questions. The test will include the following:
1. You should have read Chapter 29. This will help you answer the questions towards the end of the test that we didn't get to touch on in depth in class.
2. Study this review guide. Use the various chapters in your book (online now).
3. Play the jeopardy game to familiarize yourself with the concepts.
4. Get enough sleep the night before so you're on your game for test day!
- 50 multiple choice questions
- 10 questions using quotes or excerpts from historical figures
- 4 questions using graphs or charts
- 5 questions using pictures or political cartoons
1. You should have read Chapter 29. This will help you answer the questions towards the end of the test that we didn't get to touch on in depth in class.
2. Study this review guide. Use the various chapters in your book (online now).
3. Play the jeopardy game to familiarize yourself with the concepts.
4. Get enough sleep the night before so you're on your game for test day!