April 17th 2017
This Day in History
Quote of the Day
" I was too shocked to cry, too confused to take notes or ask questions, too bewildered to even think."- Tich Quang Duc
(The last written words of a Buddhist monk who burned himself to death to protest the regime in South Vietnam in 1963)
(The last written words of a Buddhist monk who burned himself to death to protest the regime in South Vietnam in 1963)
Stat of the Day
Word of the Day
- Counterculture = young Americans in the 60's created a new lifestyle based on flamboyant dress, rock music, drug use, and communal living. (a.k.a. hippies)
Today's Plan
- Watch video on taking notes.
- Play quick Vietnam War Kahoot game.
- Watch the following videos on the counterculture. For each of the following, note important facts, philosophy, and actions of the hippie movement.
- Why was Haight-Ashbury defined as "The birth of hip"?
- What were some characteristics of the Hippy Life?
- Who was behind the "Less work, More play" movement?
- Counterculture vs. Mainstream sides